About SeerNova Comics

The Company

Our Story

SeerNova Comics was founded with the goal of bringing unique and diverse stories to the indie comic book scene. Our journey began with a passion for storytelling and a desire to support indie creators. Through our dedication to original narratives and innovative art styles, we’ve carved out a distinct space in the comic book landscape.

SeerNova Comics tabling at Saratoga Comic Con in 2024 with their comics displayed on a table wrapped in the SeerNova Comics Logo and a banner behind them with the logo and characters as well as a QR Code.
Greg and Dillon at the SeerNova Comic Table for Saratoga Comic Con ’24

Our Mission and Vision

At SeerNova Comics, our mission is to inspire and entertain through the power of comics. We envision a future where every story finds its audience, and creativity knows no bounds. Our core values include integrity, innovation, and community. We are committed to producing high-quality, original content that resonates with readers and supports the indie comic book community.

Meet the Team

Greg Moquin - Co-founder and CEO of SeerNova Comics

Greg Moquin, founder and CVO

I’m a writer and Chief Visionary Officer of SeerNova Comics LLC. I wrote a story that later blossomed into a full-blown comic book creating and publishing company. I have always had a deep passion for writing and loved the superhero genre as a whole. I am pushing forward to learn marketing, how to run a business, as well as the comic book industry. I’m hoping SeerNova Comics opens doors for not only myself but the artists, writers, and everyone behind the scenes.

Dillon Mysliwiec, founder and CTO

Serial entrepreneur. Co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of SeerNova Comics LLC, Owner of Artistic Development and Design, and VP of Marketing for The Upstate Sound LLC. My specialties are in marketing, business, web design, and development, as well as graphic design. My focus is on the building of our website and membership platform. I also have supported in the creation of our comics through editing and quality assurance.

What We Do

Our comics are unique due to their blend of themes such as rebirth, corruption, supernatural struggles, and adventure. We employ storytelling styles that range from gritty realism and dark surrealism to humorous space adventures. Each series brings a distinct voice and visual approach, setting them apart in the comic book landscape.

A collection of indie comic books opened and laying on top of each other including INK2, Mittens: Space Pilot, and The Seer Chronicles 2

We currently focus on superhero and sci-fi genres, delivering untold narratives and innovative storytelling techniques. One of our standout titles, “Mittens,” features a monochromatic art style that draws readers into the story, a visual approach rarely seen in many comics. Our superhero series also feature different artists, each bringing their unique art style to the table.

Interior pages for Mittens: Space Pilot Issue #2 showcasing the monochromatic artwork by J.R. Harris

Our Community

We believe in engaging deeply with our readers and building a strong community around our brand. We actively participate in comic conventions, offering fans a chance to meet us in person.

Additionally, we produce our own podcast and other online shows, providing platforms for interaction and discussion. Our creators are accessible to fans through social media, enhancing the connection between our audience and the creative minds behind our comics.

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